Gingerbread Kit

Dear Reader,

I like the idea of savoring the month of December and trying to find ways each day of acknowledging that Christmas is coming.  With having a four year old, I so want to establish fun experiences, traditions, and memories for him of this season while still attempting to keep the focus on what the celebration is about.  Interestingly, my son now remembers some of the activities from last Christmastime, and together we have made a list of some things we hope to do before December 25.

Topping the list this year, my son hoped to make a gingerbread house.  My husband, son, and I have worked on one each year for the past two years, and we just used supplies that I had on hand (graham crackers, powdered sugar icing, sprinkles, etc.)  This year I thought a gingerbread kit would be a nice way to make a house.  Honesty, I also thought it would be easier.

My son and I together selected a kit from the store.  Of the available kits, he chose a gingerbread village.  I think he had it pictured as a Lego set where we would together construct the pieces and make an exact replica of the photo on the box.  While we put good effort into the kit one afternoon this past week, our end result wasn't quite the same.  I must not have a way with frosting because the buildings kept collapsing and I ran out before icing all of the roofs adequately to hold the candy embellishments.  It didn't keep my sweet boy from working very diligently on matching the candy patterns from the box's picture.

No disappointment on my son's part though.  He sampled his fair share of icing and candies in the building process, and he still has hopes of adding on more decorations.  And I have the memory of an afternoon spent with just the two of us together developing this village to enjoy in the weeks ahead.

I'm linking up with Life Made Lovely, and I hope that this is a lovely week for each of you!

1 comment:

  1. hello, abi! thanks for stopping by my blog!

    hooray for a gingerbread house. or village:) what a perfect activity for a little guy! xo
